Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mr. Cullen, Meet Mr. Darcy

O.K., so I couldn't sleep one night fairly recently and for some reason spent the hours casting the Twilight characters into Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice. Here is what I thought might happen:

Mr. Darcy …......................................... Edward Cullen
Elizabeth Bennet ….............................. Bella Swan
Mr. Wickham ….................................... Jacob Black

Mr. Bingley …...................................... Emmet Cullen
Miss Bingley …..................................... Victoria
Jane Bennet …...................................... Rosalie Cullen
Lydia Bennet …..................................... Jessica Stanley
Kitty Bennet …...................................... Bree
Mary Bennet …...................................... Leah Clearwater
Mr. Bennet …........................................ Charlie Swan
Mrs. Bennet …...................................... Renee Swan
Colonel Fitzwilliam …........................... Carlisle Cullen
Georgiana Darcy .................................. Alice Cullen
Mr. Collins …........................................ Mike Newton
Charlotte Lucas …................................. Angela
Ms Catherine de Bourgh …......................Aro
Miss de Bourgh …................................. Jane

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