Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Round 2

Just a quick dash in today to express my excitement at making it to round 2 of Amazon's Breakthrough Novel Award contest. They winnowed the original 10,000 entries down to 2,000 - 400 each across 5 categories - by reading each entrant's pitch. Apparently they liked mine enough to shoot me through to the next test, which is that they read a 3000-5000 word excerpt of each of the remaining 2,000 works, and then cut those down to the top 500 overall.

It's doubtful I will make it to round 3, but I'm O.K. with that. The thrill of having made it past the first hurdle is huge - as is the joy that more than fifty FB friends "liked" that I achieved this today. Thanks, peeps. I feel loved!

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